The Never Ending Story

Thursday, June 19, 2008

So all is well!

Well we made it through the move and there are only a few boxes that need to be unpacked. I can now find the majority of my clothes (and I finally did the laundry, Yeah for me!). I forgot what it was like to live in a small space, it is amazing when one tee-shirt on the couch can make a room look messy!

Mo just received her 2 month shots, she is such a tough cookie, definitely takes after me. She is getting so big, she must be about 13 pounds now and getting taller everyday! She is trying to laugh out load, but hasn't quite figured it out yet, however she is not shy when it comes to smiling! It is amazing how when your child smiles, all in the world becomes beautiful and right.

I am still staying at home with the little one and enjoying spending time helping her develop. I wish everyone had this type of opportunity! I feel very lucky.

Dan and I had the pleasure of having our first entire night without mrs. mo. I have to admit I missed her so much, but it was definitely nice to be able to just go and party and not worry about the 4am feeding.

See at this point, I don't have much to say cause everything is actually going really well. We have so little stress now that the move is done. All I have to say is that life seems to finally be getting back to normal.



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