The Never Ending Story

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The First Post

So this is my first official posting in my blog. I figured that since I am in the middle of absolutely nowhere and away from my family and a large portion of my friends, I should create this place to keep everyone updated. I can guarantee you that the majority of the posts are going to be about my little Mo, however, you may be surprised at how entertaining my little life in Bullhead actually is.

There never seems to be a dull moment here. Just look at the economy and you can see that it is a difficult place to survive. Dan and I are trying like hell to make the most of many bad situations, and in the end it looks like we will survive with just a few bruises and maybe a crushed skull or 2. This is a picture of our first official night out without the baby. Mo was 1 month old, and yes, we were a bit tipsy!

What is our current state of being you may be asking yourself. Well let me fill you in.

Maryanne Olivia (Mo)was born at 4:43 am on April 17th of this year. Let me tell you a little bit about the day before. I woke up at 7:00 and was having contractions by 7:30am. I went to work as normal and worked through the contractions even though they were steady. Finally about 3:30 my doctor called my work and asked why I wasn't at the hospital yet. I picked up Dan and we made it to the hospital and I was already dilated about 4cm. Long story short. They couldn't give me more than one dose of drugs (and that was at 10pm) and Mo came out with a flying leap at 4:43. I finally got to hold her at 5:34. That was the most magical event in my entire life.

Mo didn't get discharged until Saturday evening due to having jaundice. She got over it completely by the end of the following week... thank goodness. Here is a picture of her after her first bath... she wanted to be superwoman!

Dan and I were weighing our options with me staying home with Mo indefinitely or if I should return to work after my 6 weeks of leave. Well the decision was made for me when Mo was only 2 weeks old. I received the dreaded "Layoff" phone call. Guess that made that decision for us... And then came the most tramatic blow of them all... right after Mo turned a month old our landlords (also my previous bosses) decided that they no longer wanted us living in their house.

Needless to say that the past month has been a really difficult one. Lack of sleep, and the unimaginable amount of stress of all of the drama... all wrapped up with the love and the understanding and patience that is needed to start raising your newborn.

On the good side of things is that we found a good cheap place to live that will allow me to stay at home indefinitely without the money crunch. How awesome is that! Chances are that I will end up taking online classes and hopefully be able to remove myself from the mortgage and real estate industry. In the past many years it has become a dying art and did not guarantee a stable future.

This week is going to be entertaining. Tomorrow I get to give away 2 of our dogs and start prepare for our move that is starting on Tuesday. Meanwhile, I still have a fricken cold from hell and so does Mo. Oh did I mention that Mo has to go to the dr. (with insurance that I no longer actually have, oh crap!) because she has thrush and a bad rash on her neck from sweat sweltering between her neck folds in the heat. So say a little prayer that by the end of the week we are moved in at the new place, Mo and I are feeling better and that we have gotten over our love affair with Romeo and Nala.

Well I guess that should be sufficient for the moment.



At June 3, 2008 at 12:03 AM , Blogger Kyrsa & Dave said...

That's Effed

At June 18, 2008 at 6:54 AM , Blogger Kyrsa & Dave said...

So when's post #2

At June 18, 2008 at 6:57 AM , Blogger Kyrsa & Dave said...

It's the never ending story theme song! you should have this as background music when you load your page


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